You're invited: live masterclass on building a business

Learn how to make money online

Bit of a different email today - hopefully you don’t mind because I’m super excited about this! (I’ll still continue sending productivity tips every Monday.)

If you’re feeling stuck and want to make money online so you can travel, have more freedom, and more…this is for you.

Masterclass: learn to build your own business and make your first sale online

It’s a live masterclass for you if you want to make money online as a creator:

  • Saturday, Feb 17 @ 8am EST / 5am PST

  • 2 hours (recorded, if you can’t make the live session)

  • Beginner-friendly with time for Q&A

  • With special guest RJ Youngling, who’s made 6 figures a year selling his expertise

You’ll learn practical tips like:

  • How to build an audience on Twitter/X and Instagram

  • How to make money from an email newsletter

  • Mistakes to avoid when doing cold outreach

  • Creating irresistible offers

Only 20 spots available - RSVP now:

What’s the investment cost?

Usually, RJ and I would charge over $1,000+ for 2 hours of sharing our knowledge (with live Q&A).

But I convinced RJ to lower the price for you - as a thank you for being part of my community ❤️

This is a one-time thing - I don’t think I’ll be able to convince RJ to lower the price next time 😅

We want to help you make $3,000+ after learning from our masterclass, so that’s a 100x return on your investment.

And if you don’t find value after the masterclass, we’ll give you a refund - no questions asked.

Need more info?

Just reply to this email.

But I think you’d find the masterclass valuable if you’re:

  • A beginner who wants to build an audience online

  • Not sure how to make money or charge for your services

  • Serious about creating a business that’ll give you more freedom and flexibility

When the masterclass is over, you’ll be able to immediately implement what you’ve learned.

And we’ll also provide custom advice and recommendations for you during the Q&A portion.

Ready to join the masterclass and invest in your growth?

RSVP before the 20 seats fill up:

Hope to see you there!



or to participate.