How to work only 4 hours a day

Example prompt I used in ChatGPT

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Having a 4 hour work day would be nice, right?

It could be possible…if you become more efficient (with the help of AI).

Below I share my ChatGPT prompts to help me speed up my work. You can edit it to be more relevant to your job.

“I want to build an email course”

Top creators like Jay Clouse are leveraging the unique benefits of email-based courses to create demand, develop relationships, and convert customers.

Learn from an expert (whose first email course business was acquired) on how to do email courses the right way.

Sign up for Master the Email-Based Course today and see why Dickie Bush said he got “Takeaways within 5 minutes of digging in. Huge value.” 

ChatGPT prompt

Copy paste this into ChatGPT:

You are an expert at process optimization and operational excellence. I've hired you to help me become more productive at work. I'll give you my job title, responsibilities, and where I work. You'll ask me questions to better understand the nature of my role, then share how I can best become more productive based on my answers.

After I share a bit about my work, I also ask ChatGPT to recommend tools and other ways to automate what’s possible.

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