🏆 Underrated way to improve your business

Not many people do this

This week (and month) was so hectic for me - so I feel like I didn’t have enough time to spend on my business and thus won’t meet my revenue goal this month. At least I learned a lot - which I’ll share in today’s email!

Psst: last chance to RSVP to my live Q&A session about monetizing your business this weekend! You can ask about your business and get personalized advice: https://lu.ma/189tla5q

Only 7 spots are available at $49.

Summary of today’s email:

  1. Underrated way to improve your business

  2. Ask for reasons for churning

  3. Other cool resources

Watch/listen to the 6 minute video version here (you can listen while cooking, doing chores, at the gym, etc.): https://youtu.be/0jEGiF-q2LQ

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