🏆 How to test video hooks to go viral

Plus how I repurpose my newsletter content

I tested 5 of the EXACT same video with different hooks.

One got 5k+ views. The others got a few hundred.

I posted the winner (after editing the ending) on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram since it’s for an application. Wish me luck ❤️ Likes/shares appreciated!

Psst: I’m writing a playbook of how to grow a newsletter + social media presence. Sign up for the waitlist to know when it’s released: tally.so/r/nr6zBL

Also, send me any questions you have about building your business by voting in the poll at the bottom of this email!

Summary of today’s email:

  1. How I experimented with my video hooks

  2. Repurposing newsletter content

  3. Other learnings

Video version of this newsletter:

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