[Template] 30 day action plan to track your life

Based on my unhinged life tracking course

If you’ve been wanting to get more organized…

This is your sign.

I made a 30 day to-do list for you,

About the template

It’s divided up into 4 weeks, with action items every day (for 30 days).

It outlines exactly what I would do if I wanted to build my life tracking system from scratch to:

  • Get more organized

  • Be more productive

  • Prevent procrastination

Need more accountability than a template you might never use?

If you need more structure, accountability, and guidance, you might like the life tracking course.

It’s got:

  • 12+ new Notion templates

  • 27+ video tutorials (you can listen while doing chores, or read the transcript)

  • A community

  • A live session at the end

I’ll send you reminder emails to ensure you get things done.

Enrollment deadline is in a few days on Monday, Aug 5. Hope to see you there!



P.S. the Aug 5 cohort is the only time I’ll be offering this course at this price - after this, I’ll be increasing the price as I get more feedback to improve the course. If you enroll before Aug 5, you’ll have lifetime access to the course, including all future updates.


or to participate.