🏆 Spicy takes on bad sponsors 🔥

Plus turn gifted collabs into $1k+

I had a whole mindset shift this week after:

  • Talking to other creators/influencers

  • Discovering how much $ they were making

So today’s email is a long one - but VERY insightful, especially if you want to make more money as a creator.

Psst: I have an important decision I need your help on! Vote in the poll at the bottom of this email.

Summary of today’s email:

  1. How to turn a gifted collab into a $1k deal

  2. How to find sponsors willing to pay

  3. Getting lowballed by a sponsor?

  4. Other learnings

Watch/listen to the 20 minute video version here (you can listen while cooking, doing chores, at the gym, etc.): https://youtu.be/tGOQ7-sMNVU

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