Reverse-engineer your dream life

Step by step guide + example

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Today I was reading feedback for my life tracking course.

A common theme was about how it can help you build a life you’re proud of living…

Which is what I’ll teach you in today’s email.

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Step 1: visualize your ideal life

This was my 2022 vision board.


I wanted to journal more, go on adventures, eat healthier, and go for more runs.

Here’s a Notion template and a Figma template you can use to build yours.

(You get more templates like these as part of the life tracking course.)

Step 2: pick 1 focus area

At the beginning of 2023, I focused on health (marathon training).

Then after my marathon, I focused on adventures (travelling).

Finally, I focused on journaling more effectively, which led me to go viral for my life tracking systems.

So if you have trouble picking 1 life category to focus on, remember the focus can be temporary.

Focusing on 1 thing for a few months then moving on to another goal category is more effective than feeling scattered and overwhelmed by spreading yourself too thin.

Step 3: create habits and systems

Use this ChatGPT prompt:

My goal is to [INSERT GOAL HERE]. Help me set up regular habits according to this goal. Make a list of to-dos I can do right away to set up this habit. Ask me more specific questions for clarification if necessary.

This is part of what I teach in my course:

  1. Setting goals

  2. Creating habits around those goals

  3. Staying consistent

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