Read this if your to-do list is longer than airport lines

storytime about the last time I procrastinated

In partnership with

A huge to-do list is like a leech…

Sucking away your energy, constantly making you feel guilty for not working on it.

Here’s what I do to fix that,

Featuring a (hopefully inspirational) story from my life tracking course.

(And yes, this email subject line is inspired by the hour-long line I suffered through at the airport today 😭)

Today’s sponsor ❤️ 

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Storytime: the last time I procrastinated

I wanted to run a 30 day habit challenge this February.

I had “write 30 days’ worth of emails” on my to-do list for months.

But guess what?

I couldn’t check it off my to-do list because I never found 2-3 hours to sit down and write those emails.

So it weighed on me…

Lurking in the back of my mind,

Making me feel guilty for




So I focused on the smallest subtask

At the end of April, I posted an Instagram story promoting the 30 day habit challenge.

It took me less than 2 minutes.

But that got the ball rolling,

So I had momentum to get signups for the challenge.

By May, I was writing 1 email every day for 30 days.

15 minutes a day of writing.

That’s all it took to check a big project off my to-do list.

Do this if you have a large to-do list

  1. Go to

  2. Break down your tasks into subtasks

  3. Start 1 today

  4. Schedule the rest for tomorrow or later

I teach this and more in my life tracking course.

If one of your to-dos is to decide whether the life tracking course is for you…

Email me an animal that best represents what you’re thinking, and I’ll help you out.

It takes less than 2 minutes to email,

And I’ll personally respond to see if the course is the right fit for you.


“I’m not sure if the course is worth the price, what if it’s just videos that I never watch/videos I can get from YouTube for free?”

(To that, I’d say check out my course preview. And if you can learn for free elsewhere, then why not do so - what’s stopping you?)


“I don’t know if I have time for the course…”

(It takes 15-30 mins a day - less than the time it takes most people to scroll social media.)


“I’m not sure if the course is going to get me results.”

(Check out testimonials from other students here. Main critiques were to organize the Notion templates better which I’ve already improved!)

(Also, I have a generous refund policy - even if you complete the course, if you email me requesting a refund I’ll give it to you.)


Reply with any other questions you have 🙂 

If you’re ready to enroll…

You know what to do - click the link below 🫶


P.S. reply with “discount” if you can’t afford the course and want a discount code :)


or to participate.