$100k income streams template

spreadsheet to help you reverse engineer your financial goals

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As a business owner, I get easily overwhelmed by everything I have to do.

Sometimes…there’s so much I don’t even know where to start, so I don’t do anything.

So I created this template to help.

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Step 1: list out your income streams

If you don’t have your own business, it could be:

  • Job

  • Investments

  • Other (side hustles…even though your job should give you enough money to live but it is what it is in this economy 😭)

Step 2: write how much you want to make with each income stream

This is where it becomes super helpful for business owners.

By playing around with the calculations, you can see how much of each product you need to sell in order to hit your financial goals.

Step 3: figure out what actions you can take to reach your goals


1 out of every 100 people (or 1%) who see my life tracking course purchases it.

To make $30,000 from my $299 course, I need to sell around 100 of it.

This means I need 10k people to see my course (1% of 10k = 100).

If every video I post gets an average of 300 views on my course landing page,

I’ll need to post 34 videos this year to get 10k people to view it and 100 people to purchase my course.


Here’s the template if you want to try it out yourself.

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