🏆 How to negotiate pricing

Free templates + scripts to make more money

Here’s how to negotiate so you don’t undercharge yourself.

In case you missed last week’s article, it was about how to monetize.

Summary of today’s email:

  1. Free templates + scripts to help you make more $

  2. Biggest learnings starting my agency

  3. How to set pricing

  4. Other learnings + announcements

Watch/listen to the 22 minute video version here (you can listen while cooking, doing chores, at the gym, etc.): https://youtu.be/d3JzVX9IKR0

Note: if you’re not sure what business to start, subscribe to Under $2k. The writer, Matt, posts businesses you can buy and grow for under $2k. Matt recently got laid off from his full-time job so hopefully his Under $2k newsletter can succeed and help feed his family (3 children) 🥺 

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