🏆 How much money I made in Jan

Plus 1 mistake that prevented me from getting paid more

This is my reaction every time I get an email that I got paid:

I actually made a mistake with receiving this payment…I’ll share the mistake in this email + how you can avoid it

But this payment was for Feb 2024 (for my agency). Keep scrolling to find out how much I made in Jan 2024.

I owe so much of this to Paul, a mentor I found on Twitter. He runs a $500k/year solo dev agency - check out his playbook here to learn how he did it: https://500k.agency/

In case you missed last week’s article, it was about how to negotiate pricing.

Summary of today’s email:

  1. Free templates (agency contract, onboarding, 1-on-1 consultation notes)

  2. 1 mistake that prevented me from getting paid more

  3. Jan 2024 financial report

Watch/listen to the 20 minute video version here (you can listen while cooking, doing chores, at the gym, etc.): https://youtu.be/TRc8t-oaf5g

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