🏆 I messed up...exposing my worst email

Plus 1 more ticket left for my masterclass tomorrow!

I sent my worst email of all time…

But before I dive into my mistakes, this is your last chance to grab a ticket for my masterclass happening tomorrow. We only have 1 ticket left.

You’ll learn how to monetize from day 1 - even without any followers.

Psst: in case you missed last week’s article, it was about how I’m planning on making $5k in February.

Summary of today’s email:

  1. Something I failed to consider when doing financial planning

  2. How I’m doing mentorship/consultations

  3. The worst email I’ve ever sent (50%+ open rate to 6%)

Watch/listen to the 5 minute video version here (you can listen while cooking, doing chores, at the gym, etc.): https://youtu.be/F669Rqb8QA8

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