🏆 Making $5k in Feb: my strategy

Plus how my masterclass launch went 👀

Wanted to start today with sharing some wins before we deep-dive into all my mistakes - especially mistakes I made when selling my masterclass (reply if you want access to skip the waitlist - price increased to $99 though).

This is why I keep a wins document - so I stay motivated.

(Also sorry for the late send today, I dislocated my knee yesterday while skiing 😅)

What you see: $600 for 20 min of work (1 newsletter article). What you don't see: years of creating content for $0 before finally taking off.

Psst: in case you missed last week’s article, it was about how much money I made in January 2024.

Summary of today’s email:

  1. Free templates (setting business revenue goals, ChatGPT prompts, sales email, monthly analytics)

  2. Mistakes I made with selling my masterclass

  3. Mistakes I made with selling my templates

  4. Other learnings + resources

Watch/listen to the 19 minute video version here (you can listen while cooking, doing chores, at the gym, etc.): https://youtu.be/Xds1zICI2gk

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