The secret to happiness: life triangle

Why I optimize for these 3 priorities

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What’s the meaning of life?

It’s a big question.

But after reading countless research studies,

And many late-night talks with friends,

I think I’ve figured out half the answer.

P.S. this is an excerpt from a bonus module in my life tracking course. If you missed the August cohort, you can sign up for the waitlist here.

Today’s sponsor ❤️ 

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Health, wealth, and relationships

They say every business is related to one of those 3.

You only buy something if it:

  • Improves your health

  • Helps you make money

  • Improves your relationships

But there’s a reason I put relationships at the top of the triangle.

I realized that:

  • I want to improve my health so I can enjoy more time with people I care about

  • I want to increase my wealth so I can pay for experiences to enjoy with others

So they both tie back to relationships - people I care about.

Strong social ties are a stronger predictor of longevity than not smoking or physical fitness

Could social ties really help with faster wound recovery?

Can time with loved ones really impact me that much?

But when I think about the happiest times of my life,

It was always with someone else.

Hour-long conversations with strangers who turned into friends,

Day trips to the beach with my sister,

And even running an ultramarathon with my friend.

I asked my friend, “do you know anyone who is truly happy?”

He said “your friend Diane.”

Omg I talked to [my friend's name] abt who we knew who were truly happy and like well adjusted and he said you 🥺 cuz u have good support system of family and friends so even if something bad happens u have the support to bounce back

Diane had a strong support system:

Every birthday party of hers was filled with friends and family.

And that’s why I think the secret to a happy life

Is strong relationships.

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