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- Visualizing your life in weeks
Visualizing your life in weeks
Plus unhinged course cohort launch
Seeing your entire life laid out like this…
Does it scare you or excite you?
Today, I’ll share mistakes to avoid so you can prevent each week from passing you by.

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Mistake 1: focusing on the wrong things
I used to feel constantly overwhelmed by how much I had to do.
I couldn’t enjoy time with friends or spend time on my hobbies without feeling guilty.
But when I took time to figure out my goals,
I realized 80% of what I was doing didn’t really matter.
(I teach how to set goals in my life tracking course.)
Mistake 2: not being mindful of energy levels
Before I conducted a time and energy audit (which I teach in my life tracking course), I focused too much on energy-draining activities and wondered why I felt burnt out.
After intentionally scheduling energy-giving or neutral activities, I felt more balanced and was able to do more of what mattered.
All because I felt more energized.
Mistake 3: living only for the weekend
After I started regularly reflecting on my day, I noticed myself remembering more about how fun my week was.
Instead of “the week went by so fast, what happened?”
I started thinking “that was a fun week, I’m excited to see what I’ll accomplish next week.”
Mistake 4: wasting my time to save money
“Why should I pay for a course, I can learn the same thing online for free on YouTube.”
That’s how I used to think.
But guess what?
I never learned on YouTube -
I always gave up because it was too confusing figuring out where to start.
But then I took a data analysis course, and it changed my life.
After 6 weeks of working on it for 15 minutes a day,
I created a beautiful data dashboard - something I never thought I could do.
If I learned from YouTube, I wouldn’t have been able to make that much progress.
You can always make more money. But you can’t get your time back.
What were the goals you set in January 2023?
Are your daily habits aligned with those goals?
If not, my 30 day life tracking course can help you set up systems to accomplish your goals.
The price?
$199 USD, or $6.63 per day.
If you value your time at more than $6.63 per day, it’s a no-brainer.
Because can you afford to wait, and continue living feeling:
Overwhelmed with your mountain of to-dos
Guilty for not making time to work towards your goals
Like life is passing you by, because months go so fast and you can’t remember the things you’ve done
And if you still feel like you haven’t made progress by the end of the 30 day course…
I’ll refund you, no questions asked.
P.S. course price increases on Sept 20, so enroll before then to lock in the $199 USD pricing.