🏆 How I increased sales by 227%

1 last minute decision led to $200+ revenue

This past week I celebrated my birthday in Montreal (I’ve been traveling and working for most of February)! So I actually hosted my masterclass + did all my work while traveling. I was so grateful for all the good reviews of the masterclass 🥺❤️ it was my first one and I was happy to see it helped people get more clarity for their business.

If you missed the masterclass on how to make your first sale online, you can get the recording + slides here: https://gumroad.com/a/220414931/txiatx

Use code JENRJY33 for 33% off by Sunday, Feb 25.

Psst: in case you missed last week’s article, it exposed my worst email.

Summary of today’s email:

  1. Learnings from my masterclass

  2. Choosing a platform to sell on

  3. How 1 last-minute decision led to a 227% increase in sales

Video version of this email: https://youtu.be/wDfKWPVPqJ0

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