Why I'm doing the 75 hard challenge

And how it's going so far

It’s when you:

  • Exercise for 45 mins twice a day, and one of those sessions has to be outside

  • Drink 1 gallon (16 cups) of water (might need to change this 😭)

  • Stick to a healthy diet (no alcohol)

  • Read 10 pages of a nonfiction book (no audiobooks allowed)

I’ll share my experience with the 75 hard challenge below 👀 I don’t recommend it for everyone.

There’s a safer version of the challenge I want to run for you - check out the details below!

In case you missed it: I hosted a workshop on how to do work documentation on Friday, including how to keep a database of swipe files!

Check out the event replay video below.

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Why did I do 75 hard?

The short answer

I wanted to suffer 💀😂

The long answer

It takes a lot of discipline to stick to something, and I didn’t want to get too comfortable because growth only happens when I challenge myself.

After I stopped marathon training (I dislocated my kneecap while skiing), I needed another structured program to challenge me. I heard many people improved their mental health a lot after the challenge, which made me want to give it a try.

So I started training for a triathlon (low-impact sports like swimming and cycling are okay, I’m just not allowed to run yet), but it didn’t feel challenging enough. I saw someone post about 75 hard and made the decision to start the challenge the next day.

My experience so far


  • This was easy for me since I have to walk to the gym anyway, so the 45 mins of outside activity was something I already did

  • I’m privileged to have a remote tech job so I can exercise in the middle of the day


  • This was the hardest part for me. I went from drinking 2 cups a day to 16 cups

  • I do not recommend doing this if you are a tiny Asian woman like me 💀

  • I might need to change this for health/safety purposes 😭


  • I’ve already been vegan for 8 years so this was easy

Reading 10 pages of nonfiction

  • I like to read before bed and I read pretty fast so 10 pages is around 10 minutes for me

  • I incorporated this into my nighttime routine after journaling and habit tracking

Me chugging water at 1am 😩

I’m vlogging my experience on all my social media accounts, so be sure to follow if you’re curious about my day-to-day routines! I linked YouTube because I wanna get watch hours to monetize lol.

Interested in a similar (and safer) challenge?

Here’s what one of my 30 day challenges for you would look like:

  • Track 1 habit a day that’s related to your goals

  • Write 1 thing you’re grateful about every day

  • Give 1 compliment to someone every day

It would be a daily email reminder. I don’t have the time to run a community for this challenge, but you will always have the opportunity to comment on my posts on my website!

It’ll keep you accountable while also being inspired by others’ progress.

Are you joining the challenge? 👀

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