how to document your work

to make more money and save time

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I’m launch a work documentation course 👀 


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Here’s an example of what I’ll teach…because my work documentation is what got me:

  • Multiple promotions

  • A raise

  • $20k+ in sales in my own business

Here’s a brief tutorial (text-based summary below).

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Step 1: start a wins document

Put compliments or things you’re proud of here.

Not because you want to brag (but that’s also valid), but because it can back you up when you need it:

  • Specific numbers/examples if you’re negotiating for a promotion or salary increase

  • Clear resume statements if you’re searching for a new job

Especially if you’re a woman in a male-dominated workspace!! You need this wins document, it’ll help build up your confidence a lot.

Step 2: reflect every week or month

I like to write my reflections every week because I can’t really remember what happens if I do it monthly.

So at the end of the week, I’ll write:

  • Wins

  • Challenges

  • Learnings

The act of doing this (even if I don’t go back to read my reflections) helps make sure I’m constantly learning on the job.

This is so I can improve and get paid more in the future as I learn new skills.

Step 3: create a swipe files database (to get inspired)

This is how you become an active consumer.

That ad you liked?

Save it and write down why you liked it.

An email that hooked you?

Copy paste it in a doc.

You can learn so much from everything around you - it’s just a matter of being intentional about it.

Example swipe file (with actionables):

Step 4: create common documents for reference

If you’re constantly being asked for something, it’s a sign to create a document about it.

For example, I have a media kit.

Whenever people ask me to go on their podcasts, I send them a link to all my socials, my headshots, and common resources I mention.

So I turned that into a document and send that to them instead.

Everyone is always so impressed by it, because everything they could ever ask for is in one place.

Other tips

I have more strategies on:

  • Tackling overwhelming to-dos

  • An easy hack to get things done

  • Financial reporting

And wayyy more that will save you time and make you more money 🤩

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Til next Monday,



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