Day 8 habit challenge: DON'T listen to me

It’s day 8, or week 2 of the habit challenge - we’re so close to being halfway done!

Yesterday, we learned about making habits fun (catch up on previous posts here and leave a comment).

Today, I’ll share why you shouldn’t listen to me when it comes to your habits and productivity.

A lot of people ask me “how do you juggle full-time work and your content creation?”

I always hesitate to give concrete advice.

I always say “stay consistent - it can be 1 post a week for you, instead of daily posts/emails like me.”

That’s because I recognize everyone’s situations are different.

I’m privileged to have a remote job at a startup that offers a lot of flexibility.

And I’ve always loved writing and making videos - it’s a lot easier for me because it comes naturally (after some practice to improve).

So if you’re doing this habit challenge to copy my habits…

I’d suggest you focus on what best fits your life.

It’s not feasible to expect yourself to have the same routines as me, when you might have to go to the office for work.

Or if you have a different skillset than me, and enjoy doing different things.

Your schedule, preferences, and lifestyle are going to be different from mine.

Stop comparing yourself and focus on what’s doable for you.

Were you consistent with your habits today?

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See you tomorrow!



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