Day 25 habit challenge: do what's easy

Another way to stay consistent

This is something a lot of people get wrong.

“I can’t stay consistent, it’s so hard. I’m not disciplined enough.”

But it doesn’t have to be hard - and today I’ll share why.

P.S. yesterday, we learned how to make accountability more fun. Catch up on previous posts here.

Stop trying to fight an uphill battle

If your goal is to go to the gym at least 3 times a week,

But you can’t drag yourself to the gym…

Then of course it’ll be hard to stick to that habit.

You might feel like a failure.

But what if you could make that habit easier and more fun?

Do what’s more enjoyable for you

Maybe instead of trying to force yourself to go to the gym 3 times a week…

Spend that time playing a sport or going for a walk with loved ones.

That way, you’re still achieving your goal of exercising,

But without feeling like you have to put so much effort into it.

More examples

Eat healthier

  • Pick out some childhood favourite meals you can make a healthy version of (one of my favs is carrot mac n cheese)

Wake up earlier

  • Pick 1 thing you’re excited to do in the morning

Spend less time on your phone

  • Make a list of other hobbies or activities you’d be excited to do instead, and refer to that list when you catch yourself mindlessly scrolling

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See you tomorrow!



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