Day 20 habit challenge: redefining success

Guilt vs accomplishment when you think about your goals

Day 20 - we’re 10 days away from the end of the habit consistency challenge.

But what if you weren’t consistent throughout the entire challenge?

How do you feel?

That’s what we’re exploring today.

P.S. yesterday, we learned about why you shouldn’t wait for a goal. Catch up on previous posts here.

How do you feel when you think about your habits and goals?

Guilty that you weren’t “perfect”?

Or proud that you were able to continue, even if you weren’t consistent every day?

I think most of us feel guilty.

But guilt doesn’t help you.

Guilt makes you want to avoid getting back into a routine.

Embrace imperfection

It’s easier said than done.

But here’s a story that might help.

It’s how I grew on my social media,

And now I can fulfill my life goal of positively impacting as many people as I can.

I used to post the worst quality videos ever

I cringe every time I look at my previous videos.

Some of them are so awkward.

But I put in the reps - I posted at least every single week.

Sometimes I went months without posting.

But I always got back to posting consistently,

Because I genuinely enjoyed sharing my thoughts.

I focused more on the enjoyment I got from sharing things I’m passionate about.

And that’s what kept me going, even if I wasn’t posting “perfect” content or posting consistently every month.

What mattered was I always got back to it.

Even if no one saw my videos.

How can you think about your goals more positively?

If you have any similar stories, let me know! I’d love to hear about your experience.

Were you consistent with your habits today?

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See you tomorrow!



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