Day 19 habit challenge: stop waiting

It's not what you think

Do you ever stop and think about why you want to achieve a particular goal?

That’s what we’ll explore today.

P.S. yesterday, we learned about taking the first step to set consistent habits. Catch up on previous posts here.

Setting a goal is waiting

“I want to make this much money.”

But why?

“So I can afford more things. So I can travel, donate to charity, spend more time with friends and family.”

But if you’re so used to living your life one way…

When you finally reach that goal,

Are you going to know how to live any differently?

If you ignore friends and family to work longer to make more money,

Who’s to say the goalpost won’t move?

(And will those friends stick around if you’re always ignoring them?)

Then you’re stuck in a hamster wheel, chasing after the next salary bump, promotion, etc.

You might spend your whole life waiting to reach that goal,

While what’s truly important takes a backseat.

Stop waiting to be happy

Instead of waiting to reach a goal, think about what that goal embodies.

Ex) I used to feel like I had to wait til I made a certain amount of money to donate. But I realized…it could be percentage based. I could donate more as I make more.

What’s important is getting into the habit of donating now. That mindset means I’m not waiting - I’m in charge of my own life.

Obviously this principle doesn’t apply to every goal.

But it’s something that’s good to keep in mind.

You shouldn’t wait until you reach your goal to start living the life you want

Be creative - what are some ways you can make a part of your goals happen now instead of waiting?

  • If you want to make more money so you can travel, maybe it’s taking a cheap day trip next weekend instead of flying across the world

  • If you want closer friendships, what’s one way you can be vulnerable to strengthen existing relationships, or where’s one place you can go to to introduce yourself to someone new?

Reply and let me know - I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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