Day 14 habit challenge: setting boundaries

Boundaries to stay consistent

Do you set boundaries with yourself?

Lack of boundaries could be why consistency can be difficult.

Today, we’ll explore how to set boundaries to achieve your goals.

P.S. yesterday, we learned about asking “what” instead of “why” (catch up on previous posts here and leave a comment).

Example: “I struggle to wake up early every day”

What’s a boundary you can set to make it easier to stick with that habit?

  • No phone/texting before bed → letting people know and putting your phone in a separate room so you’re not tempted

  • No late-night events → clearing your calendar after a certain time

Saying no to 1 thing = saying yes to something else

Frame your boundary-setting as something additive, not subtractive.

Instead of losing out on that dopamine hit from social media…

You’re gaining a sense of accomplishment from waking up early.

Focus on what you’ll be able to add to your life that you want,

Instead of what you’re taking away.

Were you consistent with your habits today?

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See you tomorrow!



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