Day 11 habit challenge: comparison

If you’re opening this email, you’re doing amazing. These daily challenge emails have 40% open rates, so you’re one of the few people taking time to focus on your goals today!

That being said, I want to talk about comparison today - and whether it helps or hinders your goals.

Yesterday, we learned about staying accountable (catch up on previous posts here and leave a comment).

Today, I’ll talk about comparison.

My friend ran a 100k today

The furthest I’ve ran was 50k.

But do I compare myself with him?

And does it demotivate me?

No and no - by cheering him on, I felt inspired to run a 100k one day too.

(I’m typing this at 11:53pm in an Uber home actually - he finished his run at 10:30pm.)

If you have to compare, compare to yourself

Would your past self be proud what you’re accomplishing now?

Would your future self be grateful for the work you’re putting in now?

Reflecting on these in a journal might help you focus on your goals and habits more.

What’s something you would want your future self to be grateful you did?

Let me know by replying to this email!

Example: I want my future self to be grateful that I completed my 30 day habit challenge (of writing 1 email every day).

Were you consistent with your habits today?

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See you tomorrow!



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