Day 1: 30 day habit challenge

Welcome to day 1 of the habit tracking challenge!

Today, we’ll focus on picking a daily habit that aligns with your goals.

This could be as simple as:

  • Eat 1 fruit or vegetable

  • Exercise at least 30 minutes

  • Write down 1 thing you’re grateful for

  • Work on a side hustle (my premium newsletter helps with that)

Mine is compliment at least 1 person every day.

I’d love to hear what your habit is!

Reply to this email with your habit, or leave a comment on my website (click on the “Day 1” post and scroll to the bottom to leave a comment).

Psst: tomorrow I’ll send you another email reminder to stay consistent with your chosen habit!

You can always change your habit throughout the challenge - the important thing is to stay consistent with at least 1 habit.

See you tomorrow!



or to participate.